New blog

Hey followers!

I’ve started a new blog to record all my future musings and my Africa journey!

You can follow it here…

As this current blog has a mixture of different things, I thought or start a new one that is all about my heart for Africa and the adventures that I have in my life!

Head over and don’t forget to follow 🙂

Dreams are free!


It has been a while since I wrote a blog post, so thought it was time for an update 🙂 It has been four weeks now since I left a big chunk of my heart behind in Uganda, and although that time has flown, I have missed it more and more each day. I will never be able to express what being in Africa did for me, my world has changed and I am proud to say that the following is true; “you may take a person out of Africa, but you can never take Africa out of a person.” As cliche’ as it sounds, it is wholeheartedly the truth.

It has taken a while for me to adjust back to life in New Zealand, however it is great being back in the company of all my family and friends who have supported me so much. I am super grateful that I am surrounded by people who championed me to pursue my dream. Little did they know, it would spark an even bigger dream that I never would have imagined before my visit to Uganda.

To some of you this may sound crazy, and I know that others saw it coming. But God has been transforming my heart and sparked a desire in me early on in my trip. So in 2015 I will be heading abroad to Uganda for a whole year, I am staying open to the idea of it possibly being even longer term. And the thought of that honestly warms my heart!

Dreaming with God is the most challenging and invigorating thing that you can do. When you open yourself up to him working in your life and when you begin to live authentically, your desires naturally start manifesting in your life. It comes down to vulnerability and whether you let yourself step into this. After all we only learn when we are challenged right? I don’t ever want to live a life where I am constantly comfortable.

Living in unity with the Father means that he wants to fulfill your dreams as much as you do! It’s the true meaning of relationship, it’s exciting and breathtaking. This is what life should be all about! Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. What is on your heart? Protect it, nurture it, build it up, pursue it – live it on the outside and God will be right there, doing it all with you.

Of course stepping out and pursuing new dreams can also be a scary time. It’s opening yourself up to the world of the unknown, but I guess that is how you know it is meaningful or that it will be worth taking the risk. Being in Uganda, was the most alive I have ever felt. I just knew it was where I was meant to be, I was on purpose and living out the path that my God had pathed for me. One word describes what happens when you live out your desires, and that word is peace.

Be a dreamer, don’t ever give up! Do what is in your heart, for it is in God’s heart too. ❤


Psalm 126 

A song of ascents.

When the Lord restored the fortunes ofZion,
    we were like those who dreamed.
Our mouths were filled with laughter,
    our tongues with songs of joy.
Then it was said among the nations,
    “The Lord has done great things for them.”
The Lord has done great things for us,
    and we are filled with joy.

Restore our fortunes,Lord,
    like streams in the Negev.
Those who sow with tears
    will reap with songs of joy.
Those who go out weeping,
    carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy.


A friend shared this Psalm with me after I told her my story and It is exactly how I feel at the moment. Like I’m living in a dream! God is just so overwhelmingly good. Praise him for his goodness and grace!


One step at a time.

It’s so easy to flow with life when everything is panning out the way it should be, when you don’t have to think about much because life is going so well. This has been the case for me recently, life has just been too fantastic for words. In fact 2013 is turning out to be a pretty incredible year! The springboard for this happiness has come from me learning to embrace every situation in my life with a bit of light and love.

Life can however, throw you some curve balls at times and as any human being would know, It can make you start questioning why? It’s surprising how quickly that roller coaster you are on can suddenly be going through a whirlwind and the next thing you know you are at the bottom of the track questioning the processes of life.

In two weeks time I will be heading over to Africa to fulfill a long awaited dream that God has placed on my heart. This has been a little dampened with a knee injury happening over the weekend, it got me really down. I spent a couple of days feeling quite miserable, not knowing what was going to happen. My faith is being stretched as I trust that God has this under control.

I’ve had a few close friends remind me of how big our God is. He is bigger and stronger than any situation that we go through. He knows our hopes and dreams, for he plants those desires in our hearts that he plans to carry right until the end! Philippians 1:6 “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

I have always had the strong belief that every thing happens for a reason. During hard times it may be easy to question why certain things are happening or for us to put our blinders on, but this only stops us from moving forward. Which gets me to thinking about why I am in this world. It takes me back to the root of my foundation, the trust that I have in our heavenly Father. 

“My faith is set in the sovereignty of God.” Nothing can change his faithfulness towards us, he will never love us any more or any less. Romans 8:39 “…nothing will be able to seperate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” If that is where we find our identity then nothing should be able to change our faith – it is set in stone.

I choose to believe that my God is faithful, he loves me so much and wants to see my dreams being carried out, nothing can get in the way of that. This may be a dip in the road but I can see the golden path that he is laying out before me…
