New blog

Hey followers!

I’ve started a new blog to record all my future musings and my Africa journey!

You can follow it here…

As this current blog has a mixture of different things, I thought or start a new one that is all about my heart for Africa and the adventures that I have in my life!

Head over and don’t forget to follow 🙂

Day 61


Woohoo, I’m moving house! 60 days ago I was offered to move in with an amazing family from my church! That was my day 1 of 100 happy days. Well I am super stoked to say that it is happening!

I moved most of my belongings today, it wasn’t much since I just had a huge garage sale. All that is left to move is my bed, drawers and clothes which will happen this weekend. Then it’s official! I AM SO EXCITED!

It’s so good to recognise when you need a fresh start. I’m so ready for my flatting days to end, and to board with an encouraging, like-minded family. I know I need them in my life and it has been planned out perfectly by my creator.

It’s the perfect opportunity for me to save for Africa. They are blessing me with free living – which is beyond what I could have asked for! My savings account is going to be thanking them a lot!

I’m feeling so blessed and content. He gives me all that I need plus more.

I’m looking forward to this next chapter in my story….

Day 59

I don’t have a photo for today but I had a garage sale and it brought up a few thoughts and realisations that I thought I’d share!

In an effort to raise as much money as possible for my travels, I have had a MASSIVE clean out. I have only kept the things that I NEED and had to be really ruthless in the process – was so hard letting go of some of my beloved STUFF. That’s all it is really – stuff. Do I need it? NO.

Boy, do we westerners love to accumulate unneeded stuff. It feels so good to have a clean out – you know the ones. Once you get started you keep going and wonder why you even began climbing that mountain? Before you know it you literally have a mountain of unwanted, no longer needed STUFF. Upon reflection you ask yourself why you even kept or bought these things in the beginning?

I actually love being able to walk into my room and it feels half empty. I have SPACE. Oh how space is loved! It’s freeing and liberating! So glad I started myself on this journey to living simpler.

It has encouraged me to save! When I go shopping, I have a new mindset to only buy things if I really need them not if I want them! Oh how it’s tempting, but there’s a whole lot more satisfaction with walking out of the shop knowing that I didn’t get something I didn’t need. It’s ok to spoil yourself on a special occasion and not be too strict about it but you get my drift.

Do not conform to the patterns of this world… Romans 12:2
I feel like I live in a world where material possessions are important. I don’t like it at all! I am honestly happier when I don’t have much. It helps me appreciate my family, my friends, and my community.

It is one of the biggest treasures I picked up in Uganda, it will be in the backpack of my heart forever.

Day 54

Nothing has captured my heart more than Africa. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about returning to Uganda, to follow God’s calling on my life. It’s so fulfilling to know that he will make my dreams come to pass. Life is all about it being less of me and more of him. ❤️🌍


Day 49

Things are coming along quite nicely for my upcoming Uganda plans. Today I get a booster immunisation against Hepatitis A and now I’m covered for 20-30 years! I love travel so it was pretty exciting being back at the travel doctors even if it meant getting an injection!


It was pretty awesome too… When I took my plaster off later that night, the blood had dried in the shape of Africa! It was pretty awesome!!! God is so faithful and has funny ways of showing us confirmation!

Day 41


This is so true! I have learnt so much to be content with what I have and where I am. With Africa on my heart and an eagerness to spread my wings and explore the world, it is hard not to be disheartened sometimes.

It is important for me to remain patient. It helps when I think about my goal and the dream that God has planted in me. As much as I can’t wait to step into it, I know that this journey is preparing me so that he can raise me up to do an even better job. I am here for him to use me and that is what I shall do.

It’s only 7 months away till I will be on that plane on my way to Uganda. It’s not long really! For now, I am making the most of this thing called time and using it to spend time with family and build up my friendships. These are the two groups of people that are my utmost support, so it is now that I can make the most of my time with them.

I often lack motivation to get on with my job. I love those kids and families so much, it’s the perfect job really! I’m just saying that sometimes it’s hard. But, whenever I am feeling this way I lift my eyes to my Father and pray for the journey ahead of me. He sends me gentle reminders of why I am here where I am, my heart is thankful.

So wherever you are today, whether it be a place you want to be or your desire is for something more. Keep hope, take heart and know that he is working in you for a greater purpose. The best thing that you can do right now is learn to be content and work as though you are working for The Lord himself.

“Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord, and not for men.

And don’t forget, he knows your heart! He won’t leave you hanging out to dry.

I know the desires of your heart, beloved…

Dreams are free!


It has been a while since I wrote a blog post, so thought it was time for an update 🙂 It has been four weeks now since I left a big chunk of my heart behind in Uganda, and although that time has flown, I have missed it more and more each day. I will never be able to express what being in Africa did for me, my world has changed and I am proud to say that the following is true; “you may take a person out of Africa, but you can never take Africa out of a person.” As cliche’ as it sounds, it is wholeheartedly the truth.

It has taken a while for me to adjust back to life in New Zealand, however it is great being back in the company of all my family and friends who have supported me so much. I am super grateful that I am surrounded by people who championed me to pursue my dream. Little did they know, it would spark an even bigger dream that I never would have imagined before my visit to Uganda.

To some of you this may sound crazy, and I know that others saw it coming. But God has been transforming my heart and sparked a desire in me early on in my trip. So in 2015 I will be heading abroad to Uganda for a whole year, I am staying open to the idea of it possibly being even longer term. And the thought of that honestly warms my heart!

Dreaming with God is the most challenging and invigorating thing that you can do. When you open yourself up to him working in your life and when you begin to live authentically, your desires naturally start manifesting in your life. It comes down to vulnerability and whether you let yourself step into this. After all we only learn when we are challenged right? I don’t ever want to live a life where I am constantly comfortable.

Living in unity with the Father means that he wants to fulfill your dreams as much as you do! It’s the true meaning of relationship, it’s exciting and breathtaking. This is what life should be all about! Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. What is on your heart? Protect it, nurture it, build it up, pursue it – live it on the outside and God will be right there, doing it all with you.

Of course stepping out and pursuing new dreams can also be a scary time. It’s opening yourself up to the world of the unknown, but I guess that is how you know it is meaningful or that it will be worth taking the risk. Being in Uganda, was the most alive I have ever felt. I just knew it was where I was meant to be, I was on purpose and living out the path that my God had pathed for me. One word describes what happens when you live out your desires, and that word is peace.

Be a dreamer, don’t ever give up! Do what is in your heart, for it is in God’s heart too. ❤

Lost for words.


Being on Safari was the most amazing experience of my life! I don’t have words to describe how breath taking it was; God surely knew what He was doing when He decided to create the Earth and all that is on it. I am completely humbled by every animal that I saw, seeing them up close was captivating and I am more in love with God than I ever have been. The fact remains that I am created in His image, to love and be loved. I can’t comprehend why He would choose to create a mere human being when his power is so vast. But He loves me so much and I can only stand in awe and adoration at the wonders of his works. I am just going to leave this post with a few photos and one last word – INDESCRIBABLE.


“I have made the earth, the men and the beasts which are on the face of the earth by My great power and by My outstretched arm, and I will give it to the one who is pleasing in My sight.” – Jeremiah 27:5

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I serve an Indescribable God.

Proverbs 2 – “My child, listen to what I say, and treasure my commands…”  (Continue reading this scripture before you go on :-))

It can be easy to underestimate what God can do through us or in us. It’s not that we intentionally plan to dishonour Him or stray from something He is asking of us, but by choosing to ignore that little voice or nudging of your spirit that is what happens. Our own insecurities and doubt hinder us from fulfilling God’s purpose.

Living in Africa the past few weeks have been super heart tugging and I have been more aware of God than I ever have been before. Whether it’s becoming overwhelmingly joyful or filled with sorrow and heartache, Jesus is here. In the midst of it all, He is here. I know that first hand and want to share with you a few testimonies of God’s goodness and His unfailing grace.

Upon my arrival I was feeling a little lonely and a bit sad that I didn’t have someone travelling alongside me to share this experience with. But it drew me to God. He was all that I had for a couple of days and although I had amazing people at the guesthouse it wasn’t quite the same. I poured everything out to my Father in Heaven and asked him to please send me a friend, someone that I would be staying with and volunteering alongside. Literally five minutes or so after writing that journal entry and spending my morning in His presence, out pops Kristina. She had arrived at midnight so I hadn’t had the blessing of meeting her yet. We spent the morning getting to know each other a little bit and clicked straight away. We read our itineraries and it turned out that we would be staying in different parts of Uganda, but we were really keen on the idea of sticking together and told each other that. Well when we ask, we receive! God knew our hearts and he knew that we would be great friends. When we got picked up that morning, Fred told us that he was taking us both to Suubi and that they decided they wouldn’t split us up. Praise Jesus, you should have seen how happy we were. Originally I was to be a Baby Watoto Bulrushes in Kampala but I wouldn’t have this any other way and I know that I am right where I am meant to be.

I have another cool story to share about God working through me to heal one of our nannies, it’s a pretty awesome story too..! Working alongside Jennifer has been really fun. She is one of the most joyous ladies I have come across, she had been feeling unwell with the flu but no one would have known it if she didn’t say so. I was talking with her one evening when she told me she wasn’t feeling that great, God planted a seed in me to do something. I gave her an encouragement of how she is such a blessing to these children. Even though she was sick, she still gave her all to them. She was happy. She was serving. She was energetic. She was fun. I was inspired. The next day I asked her how she was doing she said she was feeling a little better. A bit later she came to me and said “my neck is really sore.” Now the way that she said it to me was like she was expecting something, like we could do something. Immediately I said, I should pray for you! She said thank you and that she would really like that. We were feeding the children at the time so I told her that afterwards I would lay hands on her. Once we were done I went over and said “how are you doing?” And well, she was healed!!! I hadn’t even prayed for her yet, but God was there in that moment and by stating that we had faith in him to bring her a miracle, it was manifested. All for His glory! I’m still gobsmacked over that moment and my love for Jesus is growing more intensely every day as I witness the power of our unity with Christ.

Our identity is set in who God is. He is living within us. Intertwined in our being. It is constant, it never ever changes. I have become more aware of this recently and I have the deepest desire to continue searching God’s love and experiencing it on a whole deeper level. It is out of this world. I will never come close to understanding the riches of his love but I can’t deny that I am learning more about it every day. It may have taken challenges and sometimes disobedience on my part, but I wouldn’t change one thing. All things work out for the greater good and life is about learning and growing into who God has called us to be. Jesus is my everything and I am called to live a life of love and sacrifice.


 His love is my greatest reward ♥

Do not conform to the patterns of this world.

I can’t believe how quickly this time is going. I am already half way through my trip and only have two weeks left! It makes me super sad to think I will be leaving behind a place that is so deeply connected to my heart, but I know that I will return and it will be for longer next time.

Being here has really got me thinking about what is important in life. People in Uganda work super hard and life isn’t as easy as it is in Western culture. This is why I think people are so drawn to relationship, amongst the heartache there is a lot of love waiting to be received and given. Everyone is hospitable (according to their ability) and even if it’s just to say hi to a mzungu, they are always excited to see us.

You may remember I mentioned going to Mama Mary’s house for a meal, well I have already been there a second time and they are the true meaning of what it means to give everything. Being in a place of contentment in your heart allows you to give so much more freely. Walking down the street yesterday I came across an old crippled man, my heart just broke. Without hesitation I knelt down gave him some money and held his hand for a little while. He looked me straight in the eye and said thank you. He held so tight, and I just felt super blessed to be able give him a little glimmer hope that there is still love in this world.

Every day I am seeing something new, the things I am experiencing are mind blowing and beyond anything I could have prepared myself for. It brings a whole new meaning when God says in Romans 12 that we should be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Each day there is something to laugh about, to cry about, to share with one another but also to reflect upon and add meaning to your life.

My first night here in The pearl of Africa I learned to carry a torch with me at night time. Even if I was just going to the bathroom, or a walk around the house. You never know when the power is going to go out, all day it’s on and off. Not for any reason other than This is Africa [TIA.] One day we went into Kampala to watch a movie and when we got there the power was out! Now Kampala is a 45 minute drive from Suubi so it wasn’t the most convenient, but you get used to these things happening and it’s actually okay. You learn to be a whole lot more relaxed and just take life in your stride.

Something else that adds to the mystery of Africa is you naturally learn to trust in life and ‘going with the flow’ is an understatement. The last few days our water supply has been down, which means no showers (often they are cold anyway) and no flowing taps. But no biggie! The volunteer apartment we are staying at has back up water in containers that we have been able to use. And I was a prepared mzungu and packed wet wipes – quick and easy ‘shower’! TIA. You learn to appreciate the little things in life and I am really enjoying this way of living.

Being able to embrace simplicity and live life in this way means there is a lot less complication and it is beautiful! I love that my friends and I will be sitting around the table having a meal, playing cards by candle light, reading and journelling with NO technology. It’s one of the first things I noticed here and loved, no body is on their phone 24/7 instagramming or checking their facebook. We don’t always have phone service anyway but it’s just so encouraging not relying on these things every day.We have only turned the TV on once since we have been here too, and the power went out about 3/4 of the way through our movie TIA haha.

I am pretty sure this is why I have so quickly become friends with people here. We have spent hours talking and just being in each others presence wholeheartedly and have bonded super fast. It is so special. I encourage you to enjoy your meal, enjoy the church service, watch your child’s netball game, have coffee with your friend without the need to catch it in a picture. You can capture it so much more beautifully by giving your undivided attention to that special moment. (It is great to have memories captured on film, to have printed evidence but it doesn’t have to be like that all the time.) You will love yourself and those around you a whole lot more for it too. Being able to get the most out of that experience, I’m sure means more to you than having a picture, or a facebook status about it.

I just hope to encourage you to see more of life’s excitements and mystery’s as something to adore and captivate in your heart. Every moment is precious and you can always find something hidden in the ugly that will bring out the beauty, sometimes you have to search for it but there is always something to appreciate.

Arohanui, Much love x