Day 78

Woohoo, I boosted my run to 12K today. Pretty happy with my progress so far!


Running is such a good outlet. It gives me peace of mind and clarity. It’s a time for me to spend one on one time with God, if I think of it as quality time then extending my runs isn’t so bad! I love being one with nature, getting out into the environment is refreshing. It’s a time to let your thoughts run wild as you bring clarity to whatever it is going on your life.

Of course, it is also a fantastic way to keep fit, lose weight and strive for a goal. Today was the furthest I have run so far on my journey, it’s such a great sense of achievement!

I came home and had a good soak in Epsom salts, to relieve my muscles. I’m still a little sore though haha. Don’t forget that stretching is your best friend when exercising! My trainer taught me that you should hold your stretch for the amount of seconds of your age, one of the best pieces of advice that I’ve held onto!

Day 77

It was a perfect Saturday, complete with a sleep in, snuggles, a draw in netball, cups of tea and movies.


Yes, it’s another cat photo! He is such a poser. I finally got to have a sleep in today and oh my it was needed! Once I got up and opened my door, David raced in and joined me in my bed for snuggles!

Day 76

Cuddles with my friends baby! He is such a scummy little guy, so full of character and so much eagerness to learn and move! He has just started attending the centre I work at so I’m blessed to see him most days!


Day 63

Being an Early Childhood Teacher is such fun! We got some new resources today… But guess what was more fun?!


I chased the kids around as the ‘Box Monster’ and they loved it! Here’s another example to living simple haha, but honestly kids don’t need much. Playing with boxes brings about creativity and imagination!

Sometimes you’ve just gotta create the fun and have a laugh with the children. Going a little crazy is all part of the job and you lose a little dignity in the mean time; but hey, YOLO.

Day 62

My gorgeous sister-friend drew this of me! So excited to be living with her soon!! She’s also one of my girls from youth group, what a blessing she is! I just can’t believe how amazing she is at drawing…


She’s only 13 and self-taught! Check out her Instagram: bambellenadraws She’s come such a long way with her art and just keeps getting better and better!


Day 61


Woohoo, I’m moving house! 60 days ago I was offered to move in with an amazing family from my church! That was my day 1 of 100 happy days. Well I am super stoked to say that it is happening!

I moved most of my belongings today, it wasn’t much since I just had a huge garage sale. All that is left to move is my bed, drawers and clothes which will happen this weekend. Then it’s official! I AM SO EXCITED!

It’s so good to recognise when you need a fresh start. I’m so ready for my flatting days to end, and to board with an encouraging, like-minded family. I know I need them in my life and it has been planned out perfectly by my creator.

It’s the perfect opportunity for me to save for Africa. They are blessing me with free living – which is beyond what I could have asked for! My savings account is going to be thanking them a lot!

I’m feeling so blessed and content. He gives me all that I need plus more.

I’m looking forward to this next chapter in my story….

Day 60

Woohoo day 60! It was one of my happiest of days!

I spent the day road tripping with my beautiful friend, sister, colleague, Mumma to be, bestie. What a wonderful woman she is…


She gets me. Every little bit. She doesn’t mind my quirkiness or the strange things that I do or say, in fact she celebrates them. And I return the favour. You know today she noticed she’s getting a double chin (so she thinks anyway, I disagree!) but what surprised me was when she said this: “I’m proud of it.” Oh boy we were in hysterics of laughter over that!

But it made me realise how important she is. She is genuine and honest. She is real about life. She is comfortable in her skin and encourages others to be the same. It means I can be myself around her and she can be herself around me. It’s the foundation to a friendship. A STRONG foundation.

We talk about anything & everything, and it’s just so refreshing! Being with her is like being with Jesus. I don’t have to hide, I don’t have to be afraid, I don’t have to think about what I’m saying; everything flows naturally. Nothing is awkward!

The inside jokes that we have carry us through and we get into trouble… With each other haha.

I’m just so blessed to be given a friend like this. One that is a step ahead in life to me, so I can always count on her for advice. We mesh. We have similar values and ideas about life. She is a blessing from the heavens I tell ya!

I work with her too, but it doesn’t make a difference. In fact I think it has made us stronger! We have learnt to appreciate each other’s strengths & weaknesses. We know when each other needs space or when we’ve been stroppy with each other! We can often sort those moments out without needing to voice anything which is great cause confrontation sucks!

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Two are better than one, because they have a better return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!

That sums up the true meaning of friendship quite nicely.