Day 78

Woohoo, I boosted my run to 12K today. Pretty happy with my progress so far!


Running is such a good outlet. It gives me peace of mind and clarity. It’s a time for me to spend one on one time with God, if I think of it as quality time then extending my runs isn’t so bad! I love being one with nature, getting out into the environment is refreshing. It’s a time to let your thoughts run wild as you bring clarity to whatever it is going on your life.

Of course, it is also a fantastic way to keep fit, lose weight and strive for a goal. Today was the furthest I have run so far on my journey, it’s such a great sense of achievement!

I came home and had a good soak in Epsom salts, to relieve my muscles. I’m still a little sore though haha. Don’t forget that stretching is your best friend when exercising! My trainer taught me that you should hold your stretch for the amount of seconds of your age, one of the best pieces of advice that I’ve held onto!

Day 1

God is so good! He hears every call, every tear, every prayer. He always comes through for me and he will for you too!

As some of you will know, I have been preparing my application to return to Watoto in Uganda. Along with this I have had to make some financial changes in able to save as much as I can by the end of the year. We had a new flat mate move in at the beginning of this year and increasing from two to three people in the house has helped considerably. I have been discussing with God and thinking about my options for the rest of the year as I know there could be better options out there that would support me on this journey even further.

Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you…

I love that he is a Father who listens. I came across this quote the other day, it reads; “What does listening mean? It means taking responsibility for what I am sharing.” It sums it up perfectly. He listens to you!!! It is also our responsibility to not only hear from God but to live it out too (but that’s a post for another day!)

So, it is these two that are a big part of what made my day such a happy one. It’s so great to have such kind and generous people in your life! I just love their family so much, so full of fun and love! They may just become my family soon too… That is all I shall say for now.


Ps. Aren’t they just the cutest?!

In His hands!


I have to share with you all the amazing testimony I have about my knee and how God’s power has just completely taken over me these last few days! It has come with bucket loads of joy and I cannot contain it!

On Friday evening I dislocated my knee while dancing at a birthday party (At least I was doing something fun though right?!) It was very unsettling for me as it was 16 days before I head off to Africa. I didn’t know what was going to happen, so many thoughts and questions were going through my mind. I have had this injury before in the past and it took longer than two weeks to heal so it was a bit disheartening to say the least. Being crutches bound made it hard for me to see the light that I would be going to Africa in two weeks.

Well Saturday rolled around and I spent the day feeling quite sad and miserable. A friend took me out for coffee which was lovely, and just talking to her made me realise that I may not be able to go on my trip at this particular time. It was a very hard time for me and by Sunday I was still feeling rather down. Church made me very emotional and I cried a few times! I had a lot of prayer from different people and I knew had to just hand it all over to God and trust that he was in control.

It was really hard though! If you read my latest blog post you will see that I was certain God had a plan in all of this and that I was assured he had the bigger plan in his hand. Well Monday came along and I hadn’t been using my crutches too much, but a trip to the doctor meant bad news (so I thought!) I was told that it would be at least 3-4 weeks just for the swelling to go down and that I shouldn’t be putting any weight on it, hmph. But I was determined to prove him wrong…!

Monday night I as anointed with oil and had prayer from a dear friend and her Mum, it was one of the most joyful moments! We were totally captivated by the joy of Jesus and the holy spirit filled us with so much laughter! That was a big turning point! Straight away I could move my leg more freely and could straighten it more than I had all weekend! Amazing! But wait there’s more…

After they left I had lots of time to think about things. I said to myself that I needed to be realistic and that maybe it would be best for me to postpone my trip, even it was just by a month or two. That was when God spoke to me. So clearly he said “what is realistic for ME Tracey?” “What do you think MY expectation is?” WOW that just blew me out of the water, like a slap on the face I woke up and realised that God’s expectations exceed any thing that we could possibly imagine. He can do ANYTHING and there is nothing at all in this world that is unrealistic for him. That was a pretty crazy moment and I had to proclaim that I trusted him with everything, how could I not with him revealing himself to me like that?!

I woke up this morning with unexplainable peace,and felt holistically refreshed. I got out of bed and was surprised by how much movement I had! The swelling had gone down a lot and I was walking almost like normal. I haven’t used my crutches at all today and I am more than happy to say I won’t be using those horrid things again!

This afternoon I met with a man from church who is a physiotherapist by profession that God has taught the correct way he intends for our bodies to move. It was the opposite to what you would be told by actually going to physio or someone of the like, but I had all faith that he knew what he was talking about. He showed me a couple of ways to bend and walk, and I had no pain the whole time! Instead of being cautious about my injury he helped me retrain my mind to allow my body to walk normally on both sides with no limp. The limp was actually causing more pressure on my knee than walking normally – crazy huh! He prayed for me at the end and said in quote “You will be going to Africa in two weeks and you won’t have any knee problems while you are there.” Well I’m claiming that! I left that meeting crying, but this time tears of joy! Oh my I am so happy!!! I went and did grocery shopping, walking around the whole supermarket with the biggest smile on my face and no hobble! Hallelujah!

I still have some healing to go but I am 100% certain that I will wake up tomorrow morning with another improvement! Without a doubt I will be on that aeroplane come 1st of July, completely healed and ready to take on the world!


Deuteronomy 31:8 “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”